everywhere I go....Come on peeps sing
with me....LOL Today was my last day
of work til next year and I am sooo happy!
I swear this was the longest day, it just
seemed to stand still at times and I swear
that clock was broke. I shook it a few times
to try and get the hands to move faster! LOL
I was only suppose to work 1 day this week
but my boss, Linda, decided she needed
a vacation before vacation....LOL The nerve
of her....lmao....Honestly, out of everyone
that works there she certainly deserves it!
That girl takes so much crap from our sweet
doctor, I sure hope when she gets back he shows
a bit more appreciation!!! I did miss her,
so much stuff broke this week, and she has
to come back and fix it all. We love to bust on
her, like when the fax machine is out of paper,
she will be busy and we will be sitting there
talking about something, right next to the fax,
the beeping begins and we look at Linda and start
laughing... "Linda, it's out of paper again".....
ohhhh, she stops what she is doing, loads
the paper and we continue with what we where talking
about....So, that is a running joke we have with her,
(**just a note** we only did that once to her, about
the paper, but we still laugh everytime that fax
starts beeping)...
so when she was away, of course we had
to call her, the fax needed paper, so did the
copier, plus what a time for toner to go too...
3 printers ran out paper also. To top it all off
the kitchen sink is full of water and someone broke
the toilet seat!
WELCOME HOME Linda....hope you had a great
time!!!! LOL We were going to put a bunch of
charts all over her desk too, ohhh, to see the
look on her face when she walked in on Monday,
would of been PRICELESS!!
the paper, but we still laugh everytime that fax
starts beeping)...
so when she was away, of course we had
to call her, the fax needed paper, so did the
copier, plus what a time for toner to go too...
3 printers ran out paper also. To top it all off
the kitchen sink is full of water and someone broke
the toilet seat!
WELCOME HOME Linda....hope you had a great
time!!!! LOL We were going to put a bunch of
charts all over her desk too, ohhh, to see the
look on her face when she walked in on Monday,
would of been PRICELESS!!
But we decided, that since she got all this
other stuff to deal with, we will let her slide.
Now that work is done, it's time to get ready for
the holiday, I still got more baking to do and do
all the wrapping. Then I must get a list going
of what kind of food we will be having.
I am thinking Grilled Cheese
are sounding better and better.....LOL
Today is my DD Heather's 20th birthday! Happy
Birthday Sweetie!!! When are you moving out?????
LMAO....Of course she is not here, she decided
to go away with her friends, so much for a
small party at McDonald's.... and they have that
playground there and everything...she just isnt
any fun any more!!!! LOL
And I was going to buy all her friends happy
other stuff to deal with, we will let her slide.
Now that work is done, it's time to get ready for
the holiday, I still got more baking to do and do
all the wrapping. Then I must get a list going
of what kind of food we will be having.
I am thinking Grilled Cheese
are sounding better and better.....LOL
Today is my DD Heather's 20th birthday! Happy
Birthday Sweetie!!! When are you moving out?????
LMAO....Of course she is not here, she decided
to go away with her friends, so much for a
small party at McDonald's.... and they have that
playground there and everything...she just isnt
any fun any more!!!! LOL
And I was going to buy all her friends happy
meals too, oh well, there is always next year....
So whatever you do Heather, don't make any
So whatever you do Heather, don't make any
plans... I got you on your 21st birthday and
we WILL go to McDonald's!
Whether you want to or NOT.....hehehehe
Are you all still with me, yeah I did some
rambling, I am almost done...
I want to tell ya about KimB's new kit... Time Anew.
This kit is FABULOUS!
Are you all still with me, yeah I did some
rambling, I am almost done...
I want to tell ya about KimB's new kit... Time Anew.
This kit is FABULOUS!

Check out Kim's site and
get all the details.
And I made a few pages from her new kit.
This first one is Heather, this was taken at
Thanksgiving. I am just not sure if I like this
one, I don't know why, but it just needs something
or I need to get rid of something, but
either way I am keeping it the way it is! LOL
get all the details.
And I made a few pages from her new kit.
This first one is Heather, this was taken at
Thanksgiving. I am just not sure if I like this
one, I don't know why, but it just needs something
or I need to get rid of something, but
either way I am keeping it the way it is! LOL

The next one I love! I have always wanted to go to
NYC to bring in the New Year, but all those
people there, crammed in on Time Square just
freaks me out, and where do these people go to
the bathroom??? They all have been standing
in one spot for a long period of time, drinking
champagne or their drink of choice, and they are
bound to have to go!!! Anywayyyy, I found this photo
and decided to pretend that I went....
Ohhh we had the time of our lives......hahahaha

You like???? lol If so I made it into a QP for you!!!
So even if you can't make it to NYC you can use any
picture, but it's got to be in 2009....LOL Hence
the frame....hahaha
Click the preview below, if you want to
snag it and keep up the great work with comments,
I am in complete awe at all the ones you all have
been leaving, my head is huge and so is my heart,
so I will continue to give my stuff away free.... LMAO
mwahhhhh to you all!!!!

and relax for the night! I got tons of baking
to do tomorrow. We are expecting a lot of snow
starting tonight some time, so maybe I will get
out and make me a real snowman....lol
Have a great weekend everyone and stay safe!!!
Chow for Now!!!
Morning Crops!
I have to admit I spit out my coffee this morning reading your blog "Happy Birthday Heather! When are you moving out?!" Wahahahaha!!!! My mom did the same thing to my brother. He was 30 and moved home for the 15th time or so. She couldnt get rid of him so she told him "Go where you're welcome...it isnt here!" Bahahahaha
Here's to a great day and HAPPY BIRTHDAY HEATHER!!!!!!!!!!
TY so very much for the COOL QP!!!!!!!!
Love the kit she is a awesome designer. Thanks for sharing your quick page. great job.
Beautiful QP Crops!! I see you are still trying to get rid of your child! hahahahaha! GOOD LUCK!! Keep up the awesome work gf!
You are right! KimB does make beautiful kits and your QP is equally gorgeous! Thank you! And Happy Birthday to Heather. If she is still living with you next year on her 21st, tell her you can only afford a McDonald's birthday! LOL!
When that child finally moves out I hope I am around to see what you do!!! LOL I'm really sorry about McDonalds, you just wanted an excuse to play in the balls..ROFL..I can see it now..Now that poor girl you work with..can she fire you LOL..Ive always wanted to go to NY too but of all the things I have thought about, going to the bathroom is not one of them..maybe they have porta potties somewhere..LOL Love your Kim Layouts..and the quick page..thanks girl..I will think about you today as you bake..hugs meee
Hope the baking went well. When my son grew up, I MOvED _ LOL. I gave hm the choice to come to Montana with me... he opted out... joined the Army, and the rest is history! He graduates in May and has a job across the sound from Seattle... so I figure moving was the best thing I ever did for either of us. That is my story, and I am stickingt it. He did actually end up in MOntana tho - funny how that works!
Happy Birthday Heather - your mom really loves you1 She is just disappoined because you won't do McDonlds with her - Maybe Chucky Cheese... ROTFL!
Love your quick page - but ten, I am a huge fan anyway!
I am surprised you haven't done New York on New Years - seeing as you are soclose and all. We always did Washingtn DC on July 4th. I hate crowds, but for some reason this one never bothered me. I was even there when Lee Grrenwood was the entertainment. We were right by his stage at the Washingotn Memorial - I still get goosebumps whe I think about hm singing Proud to Be an American. It is an experience I will always treasure. HMMM I will have to make scrap page from the photos of that particular day.
OK, so I will sign off from my book. Take care, and have a great Christmas - grilled cheese and all!
Gorgeous QP ~ I love the color!!! Thank you so very much (((hugs)))
thank you i wish you amerry christmas and a happy new year
greetings from holland
hugs Patricia
Thanks Crops!! Love the color. Thanks for sharing.
Hi Carol,
Thanks for your freebies, they are all soooo stunning!! Love to make LOs of yours. Great sense of humor too,..I bet you always have a smile on your face.
Have a very Merry & Joyful Christmas !!.
I love McDonald's......
Thanks oodles for the great QP! They come in so handy when scrapping in a hurry for a deadline on a gift album (me this year!!). Your girls are beautiful, but I raised two girls also so know the feelings you have right now. My rule was for them to move on upon graduation from high school, spread their wings and fly or fall. Felt like my right arm was gone when the first one left the nest, but alas, one gets used to the quieter house, so used to it that eventually it's preferable! Hehee!! A wise man told me once that as parents our job is to give our children roots and wings. The roots you've given are evident, so make 'em fly too! Hugs!
You are such a hoot. I am new to the digital scrapbooking scene and just recently discovered the blog world. I think of all the ones I've read recently, I can relate to you easier. Your work is amazing and I will be checking frequently. Thank you for sharing your time and talent with us newbies. Happy New Year.
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