Good morning everyone!
What a dreary day it is here.
What a dreary day it is here.
All rainy and cloudy...So
you know what that means...
I gotta tell ya, the other day
when I was expecting my MIL and
I made myself get changed, she NEVER
showed up! I should of known. She popped
over the next day, thankfully I was
dressed and actually doing something
besides sitting at this computer.
dressed and actually doing something
besides sitting at this computer.
After I get done with bloggin' , I am
going to lock the door and pretend
I am not home! I got oodles to tell ya
and I am sorry to say I have no freebie
today. So if you are just here for one
I give you permission to leave now...
Cause this is just a rambling post!
LMAO.... But I gotta tell ya...all the
wonderful comments I got,
Thanks everyone who commented!
You'll never know how truly happy
I was reading all them!
A wonderful friend, Eila, whom I got to know
through this bloggin' thingy...made a background
out of my winter stuffs. Ohhh it looks
sooooo GOOD! I want to use it for my
blog, but she got it on hers, and I hate
for us to look like twins, LOL So within
the next week, I think I will be making
my own, now that I know how to do it.
Thanks to Eila and to Allie Brown for
all the instructions! Hop on over
to her blog to check it out!
I do like the one I have up now, but I gotta
have the blues, cause, that's just me! lol
Besides, you can see the snowing falling
better with the blues and I can keep it up
all winter long...hehehe
*** scratch that, Eila just made this new
one for me and with great honor, I am
showing it off! Thank GF***
Today is a special friends birthday...
So Jazz....stand up on your desk and
do a little is your day!!!
do a little is your day!!!
I'd sing for you, but really, your better off
not hearing me sing. LOL I wish you all
the best, not just for today, but for everyday!
You are a very special friend to me and I
can not say it enough, how much you mean
to me! I love ya Linda!!!! So here is a small
token of how much your friendship means to me!

Happy Birthday Jazz!!!
If you are feeling in a warm, generous
mood, stop on over to Jazz's blog and wish
her a Happy Birthday, I just know that
would make her feel GREAT!!!
I am almost done.... Another friend, whom I will
call.... Josephine....lmao....(only cause she
got my name wrong...LOL) has given me
an award.... Yeppers, this week just
keeps getting better and better! And
her real name is Kristine! LOL

Sorry I just had to do that Josephine.
Thanks sooo much!!!!
Now I must pass it onto others, I don't think
there are any rules with this, and if I am wrong,
too bad! LOL I am going to give this to 5 peeps,
whom I think are all very good to me! Yeah,
there are more of you out there, but it would take
me forever to name you all! LOL
So I figured five was a good number, and
I wouldn't have to racked my brain to much today!
I consider you all my good friends and hope that
it last FOREVER!
Ohhh, Before I forget... The HollyJolly train is taking
off on get your computers cleaned out,
cause this is one HUGE MEGA train...
I am almost done with my Christmas shopping.
The Christmas cards are all done and
in the mail, the tree and all the decorations
are up and KC is doing much better this year,
only took 24 hours to come around.
I saw her last night out of
the corner of my eye, as she slowly crept
towards to tree, with her tail between her legs,
I just had to laugh, as she sniffed everything.
I just wondered what was going on in
her mind... I wonder if she thinks
all this stuff is gonna attack her
while she sleeps or something...LOL
I should be going shopping today, I gotta
start baking... But I still got time!
I think I will just play today!
So until next time...have a great day and stay safe!
Chow for Now!!!
Thanks so much for the award. I feel like I might have actually earned this one! LOL! And what do you know, just after posting - the "blue" showed up - with snowflakes and everything. It does look good on your page and seems to fit the screen well. Mine is a bit off, but I have no patience today, as the double boiler is getting ready to put in a FULL day.
I cannot believe you are so far ahead of the game. I still have a few gifts to find - 8 pounds of chocolate to melt and turn into goodies - the dawg has not even started the Christmas letter yet, and I have only addressed one Christmas Card. Would you like to come to my house and take over for me - I am such a slacker! Hubby is going out in the "yard" to find our tree today. Maybe I can get myself in gear and get caught up... yeah right.
Have a great day!!!
It's snowing, It's snowing!! BWAHAHA- OMG, how cool does your blog look my friend! LOVE IT!
And thanks for the award Croppy- I LUVS ya BIG TIME TOO!!
You are SUCH a wonderful friend! Thank you for the award! And the blog is BEAUTIFUL! Oh, my! What a pretty scene with the blues and the snow and the ribbons and the snow family.......well, I just enjoyed looking everything over and watching it snow! Holding the new baby in my arms while I do it! I always spoil them the first few days. LOL! I'll be back to designing soon. Worked on a couple papers for Kim's CC today as a matter of fact. Guess that will be the next one done. And I really need to get my wordart up on my blog. I guess it's back to working on the internet this weekend. And back to my full-time job on Mon. Blech!
Luv ya lots!
What is up with these word verifications lately. Such weird words. Today the one below says printme. LOL! The other day I got one that said Catesdo. I don't know what Bunny was doing but that was my verification. Hahaha!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart Crops for this wonderful award. I feel the same way about you---you are my friend for life!!! Like it or not!!hahahahaha! I really love what you have done with your blog. Some day I will have to take the time to learn how to do these nifty things, but right now isn't the time!!hehehe! Like eila said--you are way ahead of the game!! I have not bought ONE gift yet--My Christmas cards are far from being done!! And I don't do much baking, my hubby does most of it!YAY! Talk to you soon GF!
Thank you very much for the birthday card..I posted it on my blog Friday as I didn't do one on my bday..and also thank you for the award..I won't ever forget you were the very 1st person I talked to in the digi community..your comments on my layout in the SBM gallery gave me confidence to keep on scrapping..look where its lead us..LOL I sometimes go back and look at my first pages and I think I've improved a some of them were pretty bad! Your blog looks awesome I just love it..I have to learn to do one..I want to change mine and I hate to ask poor Kim to do it you lots my friend and thanks again for being my friend..loves ya lot..
I just came across your blog today and I'm so happy I did. I downloaded your part of the Holly Jolly Express and just I'm impressed! It's gorgeous; you've done a beautiful job! Thanks so much for sharing!
Merry Christmas to you and yours and all the best in the New Year!
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