When I was in 2ND grade, I discovered
the school library... I always loved to
read, one day when browsing the library
I came across this book called Thumbelina.
I came across this book called Thumbelina.
For two years, every week, I took that
book out of the library... I guess you can
say it was my favorite book when I was
little tyke. I was fascinated by that little
fairy who could fit in the palm of your hand.
I can't remember what the book was about,
but I will always remember the feeling I
had when I read it, over and over and over
again! LOL How I got to like scary books,
is beyond me....hahaha But anyway, where
was I going with this...hmmmmmmmmmm
Ohhh fairies, that's right. I have seen so many
fantasy layouts and I gotta say, how much I
enjoy looking at everyone layouts,
so one day I tried it myself. Here is the
layout I did for Abbie...

I plan to give this book to on her 1st birthday.
Well to make a long story short, a friend gave me
a great idea to make a kit, so that is what I have been
working on. I think it came out pretty good
and decided to share it with you all, if you want
it....that is! LOL It's a biggie, so I was trying
to figure out how to do this, I could make it
last all week and give just bits and pieces, or
just do it all in one day....Ohhh decisions, decisions....
LOL Then I thought, what I would want...
well, that is simple...all in one shot....so that's
what I am going to do... Here are the previews:

I couldn't fit everything in the previews, so there are
more embellishments and some word art.
If you want, you can just click on the first preview
and you can download the whole thing, if you prefer
smaller size downloads, I also did that, so far, I
still have room to do that on 4 shared, but when it
get closer to my capacity, I will have to start removing
stuff from the beginning, but so far everything is still
available. So here are the downloads in 4 parts:
Tell me what ya think, ok....and if you ever get around
to making something with it, I'd love to see it and show it
to making something with it, I'd love to see it and show it
off here. Like this one that Marion did... she is the one who
got me thinking about this.
got me thinking about this.

castle in real life....and if you think the outside
is cool, you should see the inside! Utterly Amazing!
is cool, you should see the inside! Utterly Amazing!
Someday I am going to have to see this in person myself!
As you may have notice, I changed my blog back
to the original, and its not because I didn't LOVE it,
cause I certainly did, but it seems to take forever
to load up, and I don't like that! I know I have a fast
computer and its slow for me, I can't image what
it is like for peeps who have an older computer...
So for now, I am back to my original, until I can
to the original, and its not because I didn't LOVE it,
cause I certainly did, but it seems to take forever
to load up, and I don't like that! I know I have a fast
computer and its slow for me, I can't image what
it is like for peeps who have an older computer...
So for now, I am back to my original, until I can
figure out how to make it not so slowwwww.
Well, I hope everyone had a good New Year's Eve.
Mine was nice and quiet, I got in my jams, had my
appetizers and fell asleep 15 minutes before midnight.
appetizers and fell asleep 15 minutes before midnight.
Of course I was awaken by fireworks at 12:01am...
so much for watching the ball drop again! Oh well,
maybe next year!!!
I guess it's time for me to do some grocery shoppin
and all the happy stuff I love to do on Mondays...NOT
but some one's got to do them! At least everyone is back
to where they are suppose to be, I swear if I had to spend
one more day with the hubby, I'd shoot him!!! Don't get
me wrong, I love him, but he sure can get under my skin
at times! LOL
Have a great Monday everyone and until next time,
stay safe!
Chow for Now!!!
OH,OH,OH,OH! I Do! I Do! You know me. I LOVE fantasy layouts! And I always loved this layout you made! Oh my goodness! I can't wait to get this kit! Thank you! Thank you! Whew! Am I repeating myself? Oh my goodness!!! I LOVE this! Yippee! I've already got ideas! Yay!!! Oh boy! Oh boy! More fairies! More fairies!
Oh dear! My word today is just a box with a red X. I think I broke it! Bwahahahaha! Hmmm.......what can I make up here? Ummmmm.....C2Disadoll? Oh, No. That's PK. Ummmmmm.....How about C2Dhasmeansistas.....Drat! Wrong. Oh there it is. It says floggrol. Hmmmmm....I'da never guessed THAT! Hahahaha!
beautiful kit to bring your childhood dreams to life. thanks for making this and sharing. I'm sure it represent many little girls thoughts.
Hiya beautiful!!!
I hear ya on hubby's making us nuts....I have to wait 2 more days until mine goes back to work....I will eat my weight in shortbread by then..grrrr...need to lose 30 lbs after...:P
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Kit(s) post on Jan. 05, 2009. Please, notice that I've changed my url. Thanks again and Happy New Year.
WOW WOW WOW!!! I am so in LOOOOOOOOVE with your kit girl!!!! Thank you thank you thank you!!!! My girls are going to just DIE over this one! (I'm going to let Kaitlyn scrap with it... she's going to go nuts!) You are SOOOO talented! (send me your mojo???? Pwetty pwease??? LOL!) HUGS to ya!!!
What a beautifully awesome kit!! Thanks so much for sharing, it is gorgeous!!
stunning.. i adore what you have done
I just gotta tell you, I used to pretend to be a flower fairy.. that was about 8 years ago.. yeah I know I'm 48 lol! I'll never grow up.
My friends daughter when she was 11 was a great believer in fairies and I used to phone her and pretend I was the fairy from the bottom of the garden, I would speak to her in a squeaky voice and tell her what the fairies were up to and how the elves used to like to annoy the fairies!
Once I told her that the tooth fairy was going to give her £5 for her tooth that she was leaving under her pillow... needless to say her Mum Vicky, was not impressed with that one HaaHaaHaa!
What an adorable layout! Thank you so much for the wonderfully whimsical kit, and the inspiration. Your generosity and hard work in offering this gift is truly appreciated. The fairies in fairyland will love you for helping us "believe" :-)
Thanls so much - I can't wait to start playing with this :-D
This is fantastic...thank you so much
This is truly a wonderful, magical kit you've created. Just Love it! Thank you so very much for sharing!
I love fantasy and I do a lot of fairy tags, so thanks for this kit. Even full size, I can bash it down and use it for tagging. There's an old myth on the origins of fairies which tells how a woman had hidden some of her children from God, then spent the rest of her life looking for them in vain. They had become the hidden people, the first fairies.
This is similar to the Scandinavian tale of the Huldra, in which a mother had washed only half her children when God came to her cottage. Ashamed of the dirty ones, she hid them. God decreed that those she had hidden from him would be hidden from mankind as well, and they became the first Huldrer.
A huldra is described as a stunningly beautiful, sometimes naked woman with long hair; though from behind she is hollow like an old tree trunk, and has an animal's tail. In Norway, she has a cow's tail, and in Sweden she may have that of a cow or a fox. Further in the north of Sweden, the tail can be entirely omitted in favor of her hollow or bark-covered back.
Anyway... thanks again for kit.
This kit is absolutely INCREDIBLE!! You did a FANTASTIC job on it & thank you sooooooooo very much for sharing!! :D Hope you have a FANTASY-filled day!
Thank you!
Wow. It is beautiful. I love fairies. I always do my profiles in fairies. You did an awesome job. Thanks for sharing. xoxo Linda
Amazing job! But then I would expect NOTHING LESS!!!
Sorry I have been incommunicado - New computer, and all the fun that goes with getting everything just right, and figuring out the difference between XP and Vista - without having to read the manual. I hate manuals!!! LOL!
I know just what you mean. My hubby is retired, and NEVER EVER goes anywhere. I love him dearly, but I also crave some space now and then - no dogs... no man... just me and my tunes. And not just so I can clean house either - although I prefer he not even be in the same zip code when it is time to spring clean! I need to tear the place up and put it back and I do not need anyone in my way - plus that is when I really need to crank the tunes LOL!
Thanks for sharing - I will be back soon to snag this kit. I think there may be a couple other things I haven't downloaded. I have not been downloading much - I am trying to organize the bazillion files already on my computer. I have 600 gig plus a 350 gig external... but it does not do me any good if I can't freaking find anything.
Ciao 4 Niao!!!
(posting soon - promise!
This is an amazing kit and I love it! I write fantasy so this appeals to me on so many levels. Thank you so much!
Thanks so much for this gorgeous kit!!! you are very talented!!!
I too love Faries, Happy New Year
and thanks again.
Wow, this kit looks awesome! Thanks so much for sharing this gorgeous kit with us!
Fan-Freakin'-Tastic! Thank you SO much!
SO fabulous! Thank you so much!!! I am just starting to scrap my own childhood and this will be perfect!!!
Thank you very much and yes I do believe in faeries. xxx
awesome kit thank you. Elizabeth
Thank you for this beautiful kit. I simply love it. Very nice work. And by the way. . . . YES I DO BELIEVE IN FAIRIES !!
Oh WOW Crops!! Your new kit is just AWESOME!!! It's really late now but I'm comin back tomorrow to snag it. Lovely lovely work!!! I hope you all had a WONDERFUL Christmas and a great New Year. Here's wishin many blessings and lotsa love to you and yours from me and mine :-)
Thank you so very much - This kit is beautiful!
BEAUTIFUL! Thank you so much for sharing your talent! :)
Sláinte ~ Kirsten aka mcgaelicgal
Hello Carol....just downloaded these wonderful creations of yours.....You are getting so brainie lately..lol.......please save some for teaching me...lol...great work my friend..xoxoxo
what an awesome kit, love the colors, love the theme, love absolutely everything about it and i am so in awe of your labor and talents. i can't wait to create many a stories using your kit. tyfs
Thank You Very Much for creating and sharing your Talent with this Beautiful Kit...The Elements are exquisite..
Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous! And, did I mention, gorgeous? Thank you so much!
Thank you SO much for these great elements. Beautiful!
This is truely lovely! what awesome work you have done !
thank you so so much for sharing this with us all!
Wow! This will be great for the medieval recreation events I go to! Thank you! I've also been to that castle. It's one of my dad's favorites!
The papers in this kit are awesome! Thank you very much for sharing :)
TY so very much!!!!!!!!!
Cant wait to unzip it!!!!!!!
Just in case this doesn't give my name again its meeeeeee Smile or Lois on a bad day.....Thanks my friend for putting my layout on and for the wonderful things you are creating on here. I love the music and layouts and all the stories. We do have some great laugh's together. And yes someday we shall meet. Once we both win the jackpot. And I have learned so much from you ....like how to go on a pizza diet.........lol.....xoxoxoxo
Absolutely gorgeous kit!!!!! I can't thank you enough for sharing it!! I've been looking for something like this!
Beautiful kit! I just love it thank you so much for sharing it with us all - huggies Christine
OMG this kit is just awesome, I am fairies big fan, I have to make something now and show to you ok? TY so much for shared with us.
your layouts are wonderful
thank you for this wonderful kit
I love this kit!!! thank you so much for sharing it! It's truly beautiful!!
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