Hello Peeps! Gotta few things that I want to share
with you all... First one being, from EliaJean, she
had this post yesterday about how YOU can help
fight hunger in America, at first I thought, yeah right!
What do I have to donate now, I already have
my favorite charities that I donate to. What is this
gonna cost me this time??? And actually I was
quite surprise...with just a click, I can help feed
someone and it's not gonna cost me a dime, heyyy,
I can do that!!!!! So my request to all you digiscrappin'
peeps, if we all can do this, just once a day, maybe
it will put a dent into feeding the hungry, Nope, we
can't help everyone out there, but how hard is it
to just make one click everyday, we already do
it a thousand or more times a day, what's one more!
And EilaJean went and did some investigating into
this, here are some facts for you to read.
The link is below - if you would like to head over now and check it out...
"This is the post on Snopes where she checked
out the validity of it...
snopes.com: The Hunger Site http://www.snopes.com/inboxer/charity/hungersite.asp
The Hunger Site Claim: You can direct money to
hunger relief simply by clicking a button on a website.
Status: True.
Origins: Over the last few years we've
seen a plethora of altruistic appeals circulate on
the Internet, each one claiming that you could
donate money to a worthy cause or right some
terrible injustice — at no cost to you — merely by
taking some simple action, such as forwarding an
e-mail message. (See our Jessica Mydek page for one example.)
All of these messages were hoaxes —
until The Hunger Site came along. At The Hunger Site,
you can "donate" money to hunger relief simply by
clicking a button.
How? The Hunger Site, the creation of John Breen,
a 42-year-old computer programmer from Bloomington,
Indiana, was funded by various companies who sponsored
the site for a day. Every sponsor donated the approximate
cost of 1/4 of a cup of food to the United Nations' World
Food Program for each user who clicks on the site during
the day. (If multiple companies were sponsoring the site, the
amount of food donated was multiplied by the number of sponsors.)
Breen created the site in June 1999 as a personal project
to help deal with hunger in developing countries, and the
response was soon so overwhelming that he spent most
of his time administering the site even though he received
no income, loans, grants, or donations to compensate him
for his time and effort or pay his expenses. Eventually The
Hunger Site became part of GreaterGood.com, a shopping
portal where customers could direct up to 15% of the cost
of every purchase to causes they selected. GreaterGood.com
ceased operations in July 2001, and The Hunger Site was
emporarily shut down until CharityUSA.com took over its
operations a few weeks later.
Other sites also offer similar means for visitors to aid various charities:
l Animal Rescue Site
l The Breast Cancer Site
Additional Information:
World Food Program
The Hunger Site (World Food Program)http://www.snopes.com/inboxer/charity/hungersite.asp?
print=y (1 of 2)1/13/2009 9:40:19 AM
snopes.com: The Hunger Site
World Food Program
The Hunger Site press release (World Food Program)
Last updated: 8 October 2007
The URL for this page is
Urban Legends Reference Pages © 1995-2009 by snopes.com.
This material may not be reproduced without permission. snopes
and the snopes.com logo are registered service marks of snopes.com.
Sources Sources:Kirby, Carrie. "Millions Eat Because People Click
a Button."San Francisco Chronicle. 20 December 1999. Rowe, Peter.
"Fighting Hunger with the Click of a Button."The San Diego Union-Tribune. 15 July 1999 (p. E1).
print=y (2 of 2)1/13/2009 9:40:19 AM
Now, what I did so I don't forget this is, I put
a sign over there on my blog, so I can just click
it when I come in here. So come on peeps, you
got nothing to lose and someone has something
to gain....like food!
Now onto scrappin stuff......
Some wonderful peeps made layouts of my
stuff and have either email them to me or I swiped
them out of galleries..LOL
This first one is by Nancy aka romancechick, she used
my Fairytale Dreams Kit....

What a nice way to remember a memory! I too love
unicorns! And I used to be addicted to Avon, many, many
moons ago. Thanks Nancy, your layout is AWESOME!
These next 2 are layouts are from Rose Fest,
But this one is made from a few different kits,
This one is was done by Smile, she is the most
funniest person, I have NEVER met....LOL We talk
on the phone all the time, and she just cracks me
up! How we wish we could be neighbors...but she
is in Canada and I am here in the States, to far
to walk to get a cup of sugar....LOL But we hope
to meet one of these days...anyway here it is!

I LOVE it!!! See you can do GOOD layouts, it's
just learning how to get them into the gallery
that she has a problem with.....LMAO
This Beautiful one was made by Susie aka twpclerk...

This Pretty one by Aggie, LOVE it!...

And last but not least, A stunner by Maureen aka Makeyesup...

Thanks to you all, you really make my day!!!
I am almost done with all my Christmas layouts,
I think I got maybe 2 or 3 left to do.
Here is one of a sweet little girl named Ambry,
I do believe she is the cutest little girl ever!
And she has this bubbly affect to her, that just make
everyone fall in love with her instantly!

Cute, huh?
I also want to say Thanks to everyone who
has left a comment and a ty.... It's so great
to know that I am not the only one with that
pet peeve...and yes, I too, have tried having
a basket of tp right under the empty roll, but
that doesn't work either, I still think I gotta hide
it, probably just for a day or two, until they
get SMART...., yeahhh right!!!! Who am I
kidding!!! They will probably use my good
towels, then I would HAVE to kill them....LOL
I swear when they move out, I am having
the biggest celebration EVER... and NO, I
really am NOT going to miss them, you will
NEVER see me type "ohhh the kids are gone
and the house is sooo quiet, I am going
crazyyyy"....NOPE! NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When they
do move out, maybe I will get a housekeeper,
cause then I could afford one! LOL
Well, that's all I got for tonight, it's really
cold here and they want it to get colder,
(5 degrees, brrrrrrrrrrrr)
we are expecting a few inches of that white
stuff, so I think I will get out of my work
clothes and into my jams...YEAHHHH!!! and
stay in them all day tomorrow!! LOL Oh, before
I forget, I lost 4 lbs...wahoooooooooooo, only
26 more to go! Well, actually more, but that is
my goal, I don't want to lose all this weight
in one year, hahaha... and I do LOVE chocolate!
I am craving it like crazy...but I have to lose
10 lbs before I can have a bite of it! 6 more
to go....wahoooooooooo.....LOL
Ok, now I am done... until next time peeps,
take care and stay safe!
Chow for Now!!!
All those layouts are AMAZING! So creative and PRETTY! :D
The Hunger site is WONDERFUL! Did you know that when you are there, you will find tabs at the top of the page. Tabs that only take a click to help for free mammograms and books for children and food for animals. i think there are actually 6 and they all only take a click to help! i didn't know that for months when i first found the site, myself. Thanks sooo much for sharing your tp stories too! LOL i am about the only one that seems to know how to reload that roll! hehe
Hope you have a WARM evening! :D
I hear you all but I don't understand. Why should I put another roll on the roller? There was plenty for me. The next person to sit down should have to get the new roll out. Why? Because they don't have any toilet paper to use, of course! LOL!
At least we haven't had any snow here yet. But the cold is on it's way. Wish I could stay home in bed; makes my BONES ache!
And I'm not weighing myself until Mon but I hope I've lost as much as you! Way to go! I had one teensy, weensy slip on Tues night. I bought 2 cheese pizza's for the family because they were on sale for $3.99 from Anthony's Pizza. ( I had the best of intentions and wasn't going to have any at all.)I picked up some movies and soda and thought we'd have a great family night but when I got home.....there was no one here! So to stem off my tears I ate one slice! Well, that of course led to 3 more before I was happy again! LOL! My 2nd day on a diet and I ate half a large pizza!!! My will-power should be called weak-power. And can you believe what my word is???? "Allota" I guess someone was watching!
Hey Crops, keep up the good work on your diet!! I was doing pretty good until Christmas eve, day & day after, still haven't got back on track fully!!
Thanks so much for showing my layout on your site, don't think I've seen one of mine on a blog before. Sure do love that kit!!
It's 5 degrees right now here!! Brrr!
Thank you for the kind words and the exposure on your site! It was certainly unexpected!
Oh Crops... Ambry is just so beautiful... What a great layout. Such big eyes, and those curly locks...
Sorry it is so chilly in PA... We have had a little break here - not above 50 yet, but I will take the 40s over the zeros any day!
Be well woman, and remember, they really do leave home eventually. I wish you luck on your TP battle. Hiding it would seem like a good plan. Keep a stash for you and your husband. You could also try to get a copy of the old Seinfeld episode where Elaine was in the ladies room, and needed some TP from the woman in the other stall - but the woman said there was none... make them watch it 50 times before giving them back the TP.
The sad thing is that it really happened to me once. Fortunately someone I knew was in there, and checked the neighboring stall after the lady had left, and said there was a full roll. All I could think about was Seinfeld - and wonder why people are that way. It was in a very small town - and we just don't behave that way. It is OK though because I was her server the next day. (she was a tourist). Lets just say her breakfast took a little while to get to her. You see, she did not see who I was - but I saw who she was... KARMA my friend.
Your kids will have kids just like them someday...
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