Hellooo, yeah... it's me... don't have a heart attack...lol
Gosh its been so long since I blogged, I almost forgot how
to do it. LOL Yeah, I've been a real slacker the past few
weeks. No layouts, no kits, no nothing!!! Just haven't been
in the mood I guess. So I figured I would take a break from
it all... and I must say it was nice....lol
Got myself addicted to Face book and playing the games...
Thanks to Eila and Melanie for that!!!!! LOL But it is
loads of fun....and I am really getting to know ET better...
She was even soo sweet to send me some
wonderful goodies before my surgery and
a great cd filled with awesome music!
I know I said thanks...but I really want
to say it again... THANKS!!!! I don't care what anyone
says about you ET... you're #1 in my book! LMAO
I got the surgery done on my mouth, so I am half way through
it all. Now onto the right side.. as I go farther in debt..lol
My DH has an umbilical hernia, so his operation is next month.
Ohhh what a great month that is going to be. I can't wait till
the moaning and groaning starts! LOL Men, they really are babies!
Hopefully he will be back to work in 2 weeks, he is thinking he will
be out of work a week.... I think it will be longer...
But for once, I hope he is right! LOL Then the first week in
July we go on vacation...Yippie another week with hubby....
OMG I am gonna kill him! LOL Too much quality time! hahaha
But other than that, everything is good with me....
Hope you all are doing good!!! I will try my best to visit
you soon!!! Ok, now onto some scrapping news.....
My dear friend KimB started something new with her grab bags.
NEW Mini Grab Bags- Sometimes CU sometimes PU.
And it's ONLY $4!
(that's only $1 per kit)
Gosh its been so long since I blogged, I almost forgot how
to do it. LOL Yeah, I've been a real slacker the past few
weeks. No layouts, no kits, no nothing!!! Just haven't been
in the mood I guess. So I figured I would take a break from
it all... and I must say it was nice....lol
Got myself addicted to Face book and playing the games...
Thanks to Eila and Melanie for that!!!!! LOL But it is
loads of fun....and I am really getting to know ET better...
She was even soo sweet to send me some
wonderful goodies before my surgery and
a great cd filled with awesome music!
I know I said thanks...but I really want
to say it again... THANKS!!!! I don't care what anyone
says about you ET... you're #1 in my book! LMAO
I got the surgery done on my mouth, so I am half way through
it all. Now onto the right side.. as I go farther in debt..lol
My DH has an umbilical hernia, so his operation is next month.
Ohhh what a great month that is going to be. I can't wait till
the moaning and groaning starts! LOL Men, they really are babies!
Hopefully he will be back to work in 2 weeks, he is thinking he will
be out of work a week.... I think it will be longer...
But for once, I hope he is right! LOL Then the first week in
July we go on vacation...Yippie another week with hubby....
OMG I am gonna kill him! LOL Too much quality time! hahaha
But other than that, everything is good with me....
Hope you all are doing good!!! I will try my best to visit
you soon!!! Ok, now onto some scrapping news.....
My dear friend KimB started something new with her grab bags.
NEW Mini Grab Bags- Sometimes CU sometimes PU.
And it's ONLY $4!
(that's only $1 per kit)

Only Valid for the weekend (2 days) and will be gone every Sunday night!
After that you can purchase them separately as she will put them in
the store, one everyday until Friday, when it starts all over again!!!
Here is a layout I did using some goodies from last weeks and
some from this week grab bag. Also used was her Loryn Kit...

This is Baby Bri....My boss became a grandmother 2 weeks ago, so I thought
I would make this for her. Maybe I will get a raise....YEAH RIGHT!!!!
Now if you want to get this....you gotta HURRY...its only $4.00
for 2 days!!! Click HERE to get it!
And since I got back into the scrap mode I did Kim's CC for May!!!
yahooooo....I really didn't think I would get one in this month,
but I am thinking next month, might be worse...so I better do it!
Kinda felt good to play with photoshop again...lol anywayyyyy
Here it is.... Summer Time....

Click on the preview to download and I would really appreciate
a thank you if you download... I swear it doesn't hurt and it
DOES make me feel good!!!!!!
And Jazz got new word art done too.... Ohhhh, these are neat!!!
Just Music...

So if you need some wordart for those layouts click the preview
to go to her store. I do believe they are on sale too, 25% off!!!!!
Well, I did it... got a layout done, a kit done, and the blog
done... I think I hear Facebook calling me......LOL
ET needs her farm harvested!!!
I'm cominggggggggggggggggggggggggg hahaha
Have a great weekend my friends as we here in the US
celebrate Memorial Day all weekend long. Remembering
all the brave soldiers who gave up their lives for us!!!
A wonderful poem that I thought was fitting for this weekend.
In Loving Memory
On every soldier’s tombstone
should be a message of honor, respect and love:
"In loving memory
of one who loved his country,
who fought against evil
to preserve what is right and true and good.
In loving memory
of one who is a cut above the rest of us,
who had the surpassing courage,
the uncommon strength,
to do whatever had to be done,
persevering through hardship and pain.
In loving memory
of one who was brave enough
to give his life, his all,
so that those he cared about
would remain safe and free.
In loving memory
of a unique and treasured soldier
who will never be forgotten."
By Joanna Fuchs
Take care and stay safe everyone,
until next time...
Chow for Now!
Wonderful post... thanks for the goodies. I am looking forward to playing! (after my weekenaway) Thanks for the reminder about your vacation... I am thinking I should get some photos in the 'e'mail to you!!! For now, I will be heading out to sell some fruit and veggies... Thanks for the hand on the farm GF!!!
What a beautiful poem. Love the kit also. Thanks for sharing.
WOW!!! Love the LO's and the kit!
Good to have you back from the evil demon facebook!
Have a super weekend and don't hurt hubbie.
Big hugs,
Thank you for the GREAT kit! Have a FANTASTIC Holiday weekend! :)
Here to snagg your CC kit and a big thank you. It's beautiful and appreciated.
Great kit, sounds like you are going to be real busy for the next couple of months. Cute layout with your bosses baby. Take care and thanks for the cc freebie.
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Summer Theme post on May. 22, 2009. Thanks again.
Thank you, as always your kit is lovely!
Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 22 May [LA 07:00pm, NY 09:00pm] - 23 May [UK 02:00am, OZ 12:00pm] ).
Thanks so much for the lovely kit! :)
Thank you so much for your wonderful part of KimB's Color Challenge. You did a beautiful job and can't wait to use it. Thanks again.
Thank you for the lovely kit
Gorgeous kit!!! Thank you!
Beautiful kit, thank you.
Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful work.
Thank you very much for your cc kit; you did a great job!
Thank you so much for Summer Time. It's really beautiful.
Lots of luv
HOLEY SMOKES- what they give you in the hospital??- lol
This is STUNNING my friend!
I popped in to say hi and haven't checked the forum today as well *you know why*- hahahaha.
Glad your op went so well- know how nervous you were. Nearly over my friend- nearly over ;-)
Sending hugs and loves your way
Your Summertime is really lovely! Many thanks for sharing it with us!
Hey girl!!! Happy Birthday! Love, love LOVE the new kit. Beautiful work...as always. Enjoy your vacation!
you still have that gift of gab even with a sore mouth..hope hubbys surgery goes well..love the new kit..and thanks for sharing and the plug about my word art..hugs GF
Thanks for the beautiful kit.
beautiful kit! thanks for sharing. I really enjoyed the poem.
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