pool in my pond at the moment, and 3 garbage cans on
my front lawn that I have no idea who they belong to.
Anyone want to claim them?? LOL Yeah, it's a bit
windy out there today, not a good hair day either!
There isn't enough hair spray out there that will
keep your hair in place with 80 mile an hour
winds from blowing around. I think I will stay put
today and just listen to all the items blowing around.
So how many people have plans for this Valentine's Day?
My plans are to go out to dinner, double date with my
sister, should be loads of fun, we haven't done that in
awhile. One time we went out and it was her DH birthday,
as they came out singing with his B-day cake, we told
him he had to stand up and he listened...LMAO...
we should of told him he had to stand on the table....LOL
That would of been funnier. But nobody stands up, they are
always too embarrassed, NOT Brian..... which made it even
funnier, I bet we can't get him to do that again! Although,
we tried! LOL I am sure something funny will happen, it
always does when I am with my sister. I can't believe
our hubby's agreed to this, since they are always hiding
there faces when we get together in public...LOL
So in honor of this mushy, gushy day...I made a small
kit up, and after today I don't want to see or hear anymore
of this lovey, dovey stuff....it's really making me sick!!! HAHAHA
I figured out why St. Patrick's Day is a very important
holiday for me, and NOPE I am not Irish.... LOL
All the romantic crap makes me wanna hide till
March 17....LOL so I say BRING ON THE LEPRECHAUNS!!!
And here is a preview of my Valentine Special.... why is it special,
I have no idea!!!! I couldn't think of a name for it..... LOL
If you haven't gotta enough hearts and pinks and purples than
you can click on the preview to download it.

Remember your manners! lol
I did use some of Kim's stuff from her Feb. Grab Bag, which
is still one sale at the moment, so if you didn't get that yet,
better hurry, the sale ends Monday. Click on her preview to
get to her store.

And last but not least.... I got an award... I love getting these!!!
Many thanks to Debi of Deb's Designs!!! You made my day!!

The Premio Dardos award acknowledges the values that every
blogger shows in their effort to transmit cultural, ethical, literary,
and personal values every day.
The rules are:
1. Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name
of the person that has granted the award and his or her blog link.
2. Pass the award to other 15 blogs that are worthy of this
acknowledgment. Remember to contact each of them to let
them know they have been chosen for this award.
(Do I know 15 people?? lol)
Of course I do....lol So here it goes....
Kristine aka Josephineeeeeeeeeee
Whewwwwww, now I gotta go blog hoppin'! LOL But I visit these peeps
all the time anyway....
Well that's about it for today. Hope you all have a very nice Valentine's
Day and just a great weekend in general. Take Care and as always
stay safe!
Chow for Now!!!
Hi Crops!!!!
Isnt the wind horriable here in PA
I was going to go out but decided against it since I keep hearing trees goind down all over the place while listening to my scanner!!!!!!!!
I've even lost internet connection a couple of times!!!! LOL
TY so very much for this GORGEOUS kit in 1 of my favorite colore PURPLE!!!!!!!!!!
HUGE GIANT HUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Looks wonderful; great colors! Thank you very much!
Thanks hon for the little surprise. Actually I was up and about. I can never think of anyone to send these awards out to. 15 people, gosh I don't think I know that many. Anyway enough with the whingeing. I do love the little kit you have made. The jewellery is beautiful.
Well thanks Crops!! If I remember, I'll put it on my blog tomorrow!
I'm getting old though...I cant remember shit.
Well thank ya for my award :)
just look at that valentine kit you've come up with.. Man, it must have taken ages to make that cute necklace style frame and the lacey one too! BEAUTIFUL!
Hi Crops, thanks for the award and your nice Valentine surprise!!
Will make a layout of that, love the jewelry, wish I could wear them..........lol..
Hmmm,back to the award, have to give to 15 bloggers, can I duplicate?
(quickly scanning through Crops' blinkies for 15 new people) Hi Crops! Thanks for the award! But you took all my peeps! LOL! Did I tell you I LOVE this new kit? What beautiful jewelry! I've got to figure out how to do extractions that good! You are just AMAZING, my friend!
Wind? What wind? LOL! Bad hair day is right! And my hair is very long. Picture this.......my almost waist length hair blowing straight out all over my head! Bwahahahahaha!
Wanna go to the zoo? This wind oughta blow the "stink" of the animals away. LOL! Love ya, GF!
Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 12 Feb [LA 07:00pm, NY 10:00pm] - 13 Feb [UK 03:00am, OZ 02:00pm] ).
Oh croppie this is beautiful I love it and cannot wait to wake up and get using it xo.----Eye
Haha! Yeah, I borrowed your "scissors" last night and cut it a good bit! And then what happened????? The wind died down. Oh well, feels better this length anyway! (rotfl)
And as ornery as you are, your "angel" probably HAS to stay hidden, that's why you can't see them. But I'm sure she's there. Me now? I'm just getting too old to see them. Ask my evil sister. (See yesterday's comments on my blog!)
And my word today is blycle. See I told you I couldn't see anymore. I'm sure that's really bicycle.
oh this kit is BEAUTIFUL!! Thank you so much for sharing your AWESOME talent!! :) CONGRATS on your new award! You wear it well! Have a LOVELY day!
(rotfl) Girl, you spelled OBGYNHope wrong! LOL! But thanks for the wishes anyway!
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Valentines post on Feb. 13, 2009. Thanks again.
Hello -
Love the layout - but then I always do... Hope you are having an awesome day.
Still scanning - but I think the slide shw will rock... now I just have to figure out the music I want to use...
Later tater!
YAY!! I got an award!!!! Thank youuuuu Crops BIG SQUISHES!! I hope your having fun on your double date tonight. Hey, I'll throw my net in the air and catch ya if you come flying Texas's way ROTF!! Thanks again Lady :-)
(hickup) Thankz for za company, Strops.....Props.....Fwops.....Awww tartar Zauce......Thankz Carol. Howz 'bout zome popcorn?
Thank you very much!!!
Thanks so much for the Valentine Surprise. It's so pretty!
Awwww.... little Miss Crop-A-Dee-Doo-Dah... you just totally made my day!!! thanks so much... you are a sweetie pie!!! {{{HUGS}}}
Oooooh, this is Beeeeeautiiiiiiiifullllll! Thank You Very Much ;) I hope the winds have settled down for you. Sounds like a Hurricane but without the rain?? Have a Great Day :)
Thank you for this lovely Valentine Surprise
Thank you for the lovely QP and the Valentine's Day Surprise freebie. You do beautiful work!
Absolutely beautiful. Thank you so much.
these are beautiful! thank you so much for sharing!!
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