Hello peeps! Has this been the longest week
or what! There is just something about February
that makes time just drag! I've been in such
a rotten mood and I can't shake it for nothing!
I can't even stand being with myself these past
few days... man, this better pass soon or I just
might have to kill someone....LOL I really
should be happy.. Heather DID get that job,
full time with benefits... AMEN.. but she doesn't
start for 2 weeks, ohhh, I can't wait to see her
butt get up at 5 in the morning....well, I won't
actually see that, cause I will be in lala land
myself. Now she can start paying back the millions
she has taken from us!!! Yeah right, I'll just
be happy when she starts making her car payments
and pays her car insurance again!
Well, we got our taxes done last night....UGHHHH!
So much for me having a job, it took us into a higher
tax bracket and if it wasn't for having Amber as
a deductible..we would owe this year! So, now I
have to figure out what I am going to do for next
year, because it was put to us, ever so gently,
that this is the last year we can claim Amber!!
Just Great....now who is gonna claim her next year?
hmmmm it can't be me!!!! LOL Let the government take
her for a few months, I am sure they will change
there minds after a few months and gladly let
me claim her on my income taxes until she moves
out! LOL There's those darn dreams again!!!
Told ya I wasn't in a good mood! LOL
Anywayyyy, enough about the crap that makes
this world go round.... onto something lighter...
Maybe I will feel better if I can give something
away....(besides my dear children) LOL
I did promise I had something else to go with
the kit I made last week, and I am not sure if
anyone wants it or not, but I did have fun playing
with it...I haven't a clue what you call it, some say
border, but I don't know....maybe it's just a plopper!
LOL anyhowwww...here it is, all you have to do is
add a paper, photos and a title and walaaaaaa....
So if you want to grab it, just click on the preview!
or what! There is just something about February
that makes time just drag! I've been in such
a rotten mood and I can't shake it for nothing!
I can't even stand being with myself these past
few days... man, this better pass soon or I just
might have to kill someone....LOL I really
should be happy.. Heather DID get that job,
full time with benefits... AMEN.. but she doesn't
start for 2 weeks, ohhh, I can't wait to see her
butt get up at 5 in the morning....well, I won't
actually see that, cause I will be in lala land
myself. Now she can start paying back the millions
she has taken from us!!! Yeah right, I'll just
be happy when she starts making her car payments
and pays her car insurance again!
Well, we got our taxes done last night....UGHHHH!
So much for me having a job, it took us into a higher
tax bracket and if it wasn't for having Amber as
a deductible..we would owe this year! So, now I
have to figure out what I am going to do for next
year, because it was put to us, ever so gently,
that this is the last year we can claim Amber!!
Just Great....now who is gonna claim her next year?
hmmmm it can't be me!!!! LOL Let the government take
her for a few months, I am sure they will change
there minds after a few months and gladly let
me claim her on my income taxes until she moves
out! LOL There's those darn dreams again!!!
Told ya I wasn't in a good mood! LOL
Anywayyyy, enough about the crap that makes
this world go round.... onto something lighter...
Maybe I will feel better if I can give something
away....(besides my dear children) LOL
I did promise I had something else to go with
the kit I made last week, and I am not sure if
anyone wants it or not, but I did have fun playing
with it...I haven't a clue what you call it, some say
border, but I don't know....maybe it's just a plopper!
LOL anyhowwww...here it is, all you have to do is
add a paper, photos and a title and walaaaaaa....
So if you want to grab it, just click on the preview!

Well peeps, time for me to end this, before I start
rambling on again... I probably bored ya enough
for one day! Have a great weekend and stay safe!
Chow for Now!!
Thank you! I love this QP! Love the colors and room for large pictures.
Hi Crops! Thank You for stopping by my blog and leaving such a nice comment and kind words. Looks like you live in Penna too... my Nana did, near reading in Berks County. Sounds like you have at least 2 kids ( daughters ), I have 2 daughters and let me tell you I think they are just finally becoming almost human @ 24 and 25... what major PITA's if ya know what I mean. Hey, I am making some stuff for the DSO CC too but it has been dragging along slowly since all the virus stuff has been having a field day with me! BFN... Cindy
Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 07 Feb [LA 07:00pm, NY 10:00pm] - 08 Feb [UK 03:00am, OZ 02:00pm] ).
Beautiful! Thank you very much!
This is BEAUTIFUL! Thank you so much for sharing! Hope you are having a WONDERFUL weekend! :D
OK, so I hope the elephant atleastcheered you up a little - LOL. Think of it this way, when the children move out, and start paying their own bills,you will have MORE MONEY - so you won't need to work as much... Boy Howdy, that is one thing I do remember about PA - they KILL you wit every freaking tax they can come up with. My favorite was the $10.00 Privledge to work tax - I mean WTF!!!!
Hope it warms up soon. Thanks for the flowery frames... I beleieve I will snag them - along with your kit, if you don't mind... You ROCK!!!!
Thank you for the lovely frames. Cheer up...Feb. is a short month and it isn't a Leap Year this year! LOL I figure that once Valentine's Day is here, spring is around the corner. Count your blessings...yeah we pay taxes, but at least we have jobs! Please keep on designing, it will keep your sanity.
TY so very much!!!!!!!!!!
HUGE HUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that is stunning Crops!
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Elements Only, Papers Only post on Feb. 08, 2009. Thanks again.
I love your Sweet Thoughts kit. Thanks for the add-on!!
Hi GF! I absolutely love the border/plopper/QP you made!! It's gorgeous. And please do try and cheer up--it must be the weather or time of year, but it sure has a lot of peeps down, including me---but life does get better-so they say!!hahahaha! Be good and keep up the excellent work. I finished my kit for the DSO challenge too, but I have to do the previews and zip it up and it will be ready to post. Talk to you soon.
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Elements Only, Papers Only post on Feb. 08, 2009. Thanks again.
I'm late, I'm late - and running down the hole- BWAHAHAHAHA
Feels like I'm in Alice and Wonderland at the moment- hee hee
AHHH girl- cheer up, I think you have a bit of the winter blues too! But I get ya ;-)
Thanks for the AWESOME AWESOME KIT and for the add on! DANG my friend- you are on a designing ROLL here and they are STUNNING STUNNING STUNNING!
Thanks for sharing
Oh what a frame.Love it and your work is pefect.
Love the add-on! It's just gorgeous! Hope you're feeling better today!
10x 4 sharin
Oh, this is gorgeous! I so appreciate the smaller downloads. Thank you for sharing your creativity and time.
Thank you so much. This is just fabulous and very much appreciated.
Beautiful! Thank you!
I love the way you layer the flowers and the beautiful frames. Thank you so much!
Thanks for the QP, it's adorable!
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